Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Some Discoveries.

I don't have much time, because something called sleep needs to happen.

However, this is extremely important.

About 4 Years ago, I discovered the existence of a Cello Concerto. This Cello concerto is a small one, written by a young 24 year old Dvorak. However, it's existence eluded even my former cello teacher, who was the authority on all things cello. (At least in the state of Utah.)

Apparently, Dvorak wrote the concerto for a friend. However, he didn't really bother to orchestrate it. He only wrote a piano score. Years later, in the 1920s, someone else found it, and orchestrated the piece for another friend. Even later, in the 70's Milos Sadlo rediscovered the concerto, and had a Dvorak expert perfect the orchestration. There are a few small recordings of it. And it's beautiful. It's actually really sad that the world doesn't know this concerto. It is one of those bright concertos that makes one incandescently happy. 

At the time of the discovery, I searched the internet for any print of the sheet music I could possibly find.

All sources were extremely vague, and at length, I came to the conclusion that the piece was out of print, and sheet music was unavailable, as the piece didn't go to public domain until about 2025.

I didn't exactly give up hope, but I did shelve the entire idea.

However, Yesterday, I was extremely bored. 

So, I was on the internet. 

And this fell right into my lap.....

This 4 year search all ended one lazy college evening, in my tiny kitchen. 

That Beautiful "A" Which opens a concerto in the same key is what sealed the deal. That's when I knew I had finally found it.

I sat, alone at my table, making cookies, and just yelled to the heavens, and tried to remember to breath. This concerto was my search, my destiny, and the one and only thing I wanted to find in college. So by the standards of myself four years ago, I have accomplished everything I wanted to in college. I can now graduate a happy girl. 

In other news, I might join the opera's pit orchestra over the summer. 

And in even other other news, I have a freezer full of burritos. Literally, I had to shove burritos in very random spots. 

Life is good.

Obscure forgotten cello concertos and burritos. 

I understate.


Tuesday, January 27, 2015


It's Raining here in Logan.

It's been a long while since we had some weather. And us Logan-ites are loving it.

All I want to do is listen to the rain. In fact, that's almost what I have done for the past little bit. One of my favorite sounds on this earth is rain. As much as I love the party life, I am an old bookie soul at heart. The last few evenings have been pretty quiet around here. 

My home boys have been Hemingway, Socrates, Uncle Walt (Whitman), York Patties, and we can't forget my tunes. Ingrid Michealson is mah girl. Mixed with some classical and the soundtrack of a certain Stephen Hawking movie. 

Ah it's fabulous! You know, there is an inner romantic in all of us, and mine lives next to a rain filled window with a glass of hot chocolate, my lancer blanket, and a book. That's her hiding place. She tries not to leave this place, for it is oh so comfy.

I've been reading, "The Sun Also Rises", by Earnest Hemingway. Beautiful book. I read 4 straight chapters last night, which if you know me, it takes a great deal to make such things happen. 

Last night, one of the characters posed something that I think we all contemplate in life, but that I absolutely love.

"I can't stand it to think my life is going so fast and I'm not really living it."
To which his friend replies,
"Nobody ever lives their life all the way up except bull-fighters." 

You know, life feels extremely fast, but at the same time, it's evenings like these that seem endless. It's only 9:25. The night is young. I have great things ahead of me. Tonight, and many nights in the future. 

So, for now, come, step into my office.

It's nothing huge, but it's cozy, and I love it.

These days I have time to keep it clean and tidy. Sir Macintosh is my buddy. He follows me around the apartment, and gives me the essential unlimited access I need as a college student. 

The window is cracked open, and outside, in the courtyard, the evening shenanigans are rampant as usual. We hear blood-curdling screams on a nightly basis here. We usually worry if we don't hear them. 

The lamp post outside points out the pretty water I have speckled over my window. We have the window cracked open. Which is pretty unusual for January. However, Dev was cooking. Usually she burns something. We were very proud of her for not burning anything, but she did steam up THE ENTIRE APARTMENT. So, we cracked open all of the windows, but it feels nice, and I am inclined to leave the window cracked as long as I can. Just listening.

Listening to the rain.
The Screams.
The laughs.
The flirting going on outside.
The cars from the nearby street.
The sirens we often hear.
The bustle of a college town, which never seams to cease. 

The amount of pedestrians may diminish as the sun falls, but the bustle of this town never ends. 

Evening walks are my favorite. I took one tonight. Walked past small houses and apartments full of college kids just like me. The street I was walking on was behind the frats. This week is "RUSH" week, where the frats recruit new members for their "secret" rowdy organizations. I could hear the shouts and historical laughter over the music I was listening to. I took an ear bud out and laughed. 

The frat scene is a very different one, which is a story for another day. Maybe not even another day. That is the stuff of legends. We don't go there. Aside from that extreme example, the buzz of college life is felt around the clock. As I walked the streets, I could feel the buzz. 

The buzz of in depth studying, and mad typing. This buzz which hangs over the entire city all day long. I love walking by the little shacks and dwellings in the dark of the night, and seeing the warm glow from the tiny rooms. The tiny rooms, much like my office, which people squeeze all of their belongings into for semesters at a time. 

I love seeing the christmas lights hanging in the rooms, and shelves and shelves of books and clothes that all look like they are about to shatter. Miraculously, they hold for yet another year, just as they have for many years past.

I can just feel the deep conversations between roommates, ironing out life's problems for the first time with each other. Or the grossly sarcastic conversations, also held between roommates. The endless sessions of Netflix, held between crazy study sessions, and of course the parties that happen in between all of that. I love it. 

Here, is a place where life moves extremely fast, but is only a series of incredibly deep, slow moments, connected in a very speedy fashion. This is the geniuses of college, and why I love it so much.

This is my sanctuary. One of them. I of course also have my designated "spot" in the library, but for nights like this, right here is the place to be. 

It's the my Jess place. I even have my record player up here.

It's to the point where I prefer this room. My room back home is a very large, spacious, basement room. Which is very nice, but it's almost too big. I love my little space. This little space I occupy. This is all I need. My cozy little corner, to study, and distract myself from studying in. Anything more, and I don't really know what to do with myself.

I love my quiet evenings. Now, tomorrow, and over the weekend, my inner demons will be itching to be let out. You can't quite coop jess inside for too long. She gets restless. But her other side, her anti-social book worm, music lover side loves this place. 

We read some Homer in my Great Books class. Homer gave a story of Odysseus finding an olive tree. Now this Olive tree was actually two olive trees. Both Olive trees grew from the same root. Odysseus came to the olive tree, and took a nap in the heart of the tree where both trees joined. 

My Professor took it as such. Both trees represent both sides of the human soul. First, the untamed, wild side, and second, the conservative, orderly side. The idea behind this story is that we find peace when both sides of us are balanced, and find common grounds with each other. Now of course, the human soul is much more complex than merely containing just two sides, but many of our other idiosyncrasies can be placed into one of these two categories. 

In my limited experience, I suppose I have found this to be very true. When we appease both sides, we are pretty happy campers. You can't be cooped up inside studying all day, but you also can't spend all day partying. That's when you run into problems. 

This happy balance between our "selves" brings peace. Maybe not outer peace, but inner peace. I don't think our outer lives will ever truly find peace, because life is crazy, and throws a lot into our face. But if we can reach a fair amount of inner peace, that's when the outer craziness becomes manageable. Certainly not easy, but very manageable, and we deal with our crazy lives one slow, or fast moment at a time, and take joy in the stringing together of these moments.

I'll leave you with some Uncle Walt.

"This is thy hour O soul, thy free flight into the wordless, 
Away from books, away from art, the day erased, the lesson done,Thee fully forth emerging, silent, gazing, pondering the themes thou lovest best."
 -Walt Whitman.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Emerging from the Pit

New Year's Resolutions. I hate them.

I have probably had the same Resolutions every year since I was about 10. They go as follows.

-Be better at reading my scriptures
-Finish the Book of Mormon
-Brush my teeth better
-Get better grades, (a 4.0)
-Draw a big masterpiece
-Finish a giant cello piece
-Go to (insert cool place that my family already has vacation planned to.)

I mean, don't get me wrong, these are all very noble things. But I kind of just do them every year anyway. Because, well, they are side effects of being human, and this culture I live in. So they just happen. 

And yet every year I end the year disappointed about all of the things I didn't do, and the person I didn't become.

So, I'm done with these resolutions. They never happen, and they just add to lists which I never finish. If you can't tell, I'm not a list person. 

So, what do you do instead? I don't really know. I kind of live every day. And strive towards larger goals. Goals like being the best version of me that I can, and acing a certain class, and finding out more of who I am. I just kind of live my life, and wake up every day with a  resolve to do better, which is also just an effect of being human. So really what I'm saying is that I have no solution. 

But I do know one thing I'm going to do. I'm going to keep a jar, and just fill it with great things that happen to me every day. And at the end of the year, I will have this jar filled with little slips of glory that have slipped into my life. I think that will be super cool. 

But for now, 2014! What a year. Today, I was thinking back, and I realized that pretty much every year of my life since I can remember has been absolutely insane. So, I suppose I have accepted the fact that life is crazy. But I'm glad it's crazy, because when it isn't, I go crazy. We kind of need crazy. It adds a lot of savor to the blandness of life.

Well here we go.

2014. The year I turned 18, and became what society deems an "adult." 
The term is applied more or less loosely in my life, as I still can't even match my socks.

Everyone's senior year of High School is a giant pot of ridiculousness, but I actually managed to learn a lot through all of it. 

The Absolute greatest thing I learned from my Senior year: Well two of them that are sort of wrapped up in each other.
1. You absolutely cannot RELY on everyone around you to make you happy. You pretty much have to just take care of that by yourself. You also CANNOT let unhappy people around you drag you down to their pit of uncoolness. This is a must for anyone to successfully survive life in general.
2. You CANNOT Loose sight of YOU. You can't loose the true YOU. The moment you do that, you become a zombie that is just a zombie following the cesspool of mainstreamness, and that is just the worst thing ever. Live to your fullest, and best, and don't let the other zombies around you change the zombie, (or lack there of) that you were totally meant to be. Stick to yourself, and be yourself, and that will just automatically secure your own happiness. It's amazing how that happens, but it does.

Alright, so there are the lessons from a graduated Senior version of Jess. But that was a different life. Let us hop forward, because High School Jess is kind of lame.


Well, I am still a freshman, so don't get too excited.

Alright, here are some things that college taught me.

-The actual definition of true Family, and True Friends. I thought I knew people before college, but I left, and became closer with the people I left behind, and even more blessed with the ones who came into my life. I could not have made it without all of these people in my life.

This is the land of my people. I found my people! And I will probably continue to do so, but I just love the energy, the warmth, the friendship, and the joy that these people bring into my life. It is more than I could have ever asked for, and it is pure divine intervention that I have them all in my life.

I also discovered the true beauty of thriftshops and hipsterism in College. It's really a very beautiful thing.

I learned how to have true adventures. The kind that even Gandalf would be proud of. Oh don't worry, I also found the beauty of a lazy day here and there.

But most of all, I have come to know and experience the unprecedented nature of life. Music will always be a very important part of my life, but not as important as I thought it would be for nearly six years of my life. And do I think I waisted six years of my life in all of my musical activities? Absolutely not. Music was my gateway into this world. It was really what got me out there, and helped me move past the insecurities of a shy little girl, and gave me a "thing." Cello was my "thing." And it makes me extremely happy that for the rest of my life, I will always get random cello posts on Facebook. Because I will always be that cello girl. It exposed me to many things in life that I would have never been able to do or partake in, and most of all, it taught me to work, and that I CAN do hard things.

I will never be that concert cellist, or that "Yo-yo Ma in Female Form" As I have been called by many. Most people keep asking me, "Why?" Well, I can't really bring myself to sell my soul for a cello, and if I do that, it takes all of the fun out of celloing. All of the reasons I fell in love with the instrument are not the same reasons one would become a professional. I will never abandon my music, but I will also not give up everything for it. Because College has also taught me that there are more important things than music. Namely people. And I have a "people first" policy in my life. Which doesn't really work when you are a music major.

If you would have asked me a year ago how I felt about this choice, I would have burst into tears, but right now, I feel absolutely confident, and completely freed by this choice. I guess that's how you know that it's the right choice. I'm excited about this new life, and this new road I have before me. I'm not sure where it will take me, but that's the fun in it.

So, here's to 2015.

There are definitely cool trips, and cooler people on the radar, but off the radar are adventures and experiences I cannot even fathom. It is something I am completely excited for. So here is what I DO want from 2015.

Good People.

Good Times

And of course Good Food.

I'm probably still just a ridiculous stater of the obvious, but this is kind of all that really matters anyway. Making sure all of the other details happen kind of just happens. 

These people, places, and experiences are what I live for, and the real things that keep me going. So that is exactly what my year is all about. And I'm completely okay with that.

Sunday, December 7, 2014


I have been practicing since about 3:00 this afternoon. It is now 11:00 in the evening. 

Now it hasn't been straight practicing. Believe me, I've taken some periodic breaks in between Bach, and scales, and arpeggios, and all of that Jazz.

Tomorrow is my Jury. This morning I was terrified, and completely stressed out. But I feel much better now. And I know it's going to be alright. After who knows how many hours of practice. 

My fingers hate me right now.

I had some pretty rugged calices already, but now my finger tips are just torn to pieces. This semester has taught me a lot, and I'm excited to apply the knowledge I have to the next semester, but most of all it has taught me how much work music really is.

As cool as this sexy cello pose seams, it actually has some of the worst technique ever. That bow hold is atrocious. Ew. I can't even handle it. And no one would angle their left hand like that. She is making celloing much harder than it actually is. 

This is actually what real celloing looks like. Yes. We all make weird faces when we play, but it is hard work, and our face is the last thing we want to think about.

It's a pretty unglamorous world. You get to be locked inside a practice room for 80% of life. Just practicing. An that's where I've been all semester, and especially all week. 

Now I'm not trying to sit here and complain about my life, because at the end of the day, I love what I do. Even if it's sometimes a love/hate relationship. But I honestly love what I do.

It's. Just. Hard. And things that are worth it are usually hard. I will make it though. This semester has taught me so much, and I look forward to even better ones where I have things figured out. For now, I'm going to play my best tomorrow, and show them what I've got. 

And here is to all of those in the musical trenches of life. 

My brothers and sisters, it is hard, but it is worth it, and we can make it!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

A Series of Incredible Weekends.

During the course of my entire Senior Year I worked a part time job. 

It was a good job, and I really shouldn't complain. However, it rendered my weekends no longer existent, because I always had to work.

College has reignited my absolute love and appreciation of this beautiful thing we call the Weekend. Everyone works so hard during the week, that by the time Friday rolls around, many a shout and praise of Hallelujah can be heard.

It is usually the weekends which house some of my greatest adventures, and I have been slacking in the department of documenting them. So, here you go. A series of Incredible weekends. 

Fall Break.

The younger cousin of Spring Break and Christmas Break. The first official "Break" of the school year. A reason for celebration, and pure wild animal craziness. Myself, Two of my Roommates, and one of my dear friends seized this opportunity in a whirlwind of a weekend that I will never forget. 

First, we trekked back to Layton, and spent the night at my parents' house. We all just slept on my parents new, very comfortable furniture. They were being the doting parents they are, and for a while as we were setting bedding arrangements up, they just kept saying, "Are you guys gonna be okay? Is this going to be comfortable enough? There's more couches upstairs if you need it..." And for a good 10 minutes, they circled about us trying to fix or make better.... what ever it is they thought they needed to. 

My parents didn't realize our abilities to sleep literally anywhere. I have fallen asleep on wood benches that are nothing short of a mid-evil torture device during the dullest brass quintet concert you've ever seen. A couch like the one at my parents house is probably one of the softest things we had seen in weeks, and maybe even months.

So, they finally retired, and we chatted for a bit about our plans, and finally gave into sleep. 

I literally slept on my poor friend's legs. She was trying not to kick me in the face, and if she did I didn't even notice.

We can literally sleep anywhere. I'm sugar coating it if anything.

Morning soon came, with my parents walking in around 10:00, surprised to find us all still completely unconscious. College sleep is some of the deepest sleep that exists, and I think my parents were finally remembering or coming to grips with this crazy life style we lead. 

My mother was a sweetheart, and made us all a breakfast fit for a king. We probably also hadn't seen any meals like that in weeks, so it was a wonderful morning. 

My other roommate had gotten her wisdom teeth out, so we went to bring her a slurpee. What a trooper she was! 

And then. It began.

This was about what had inspired this weekend. 

Nothing like 4 girls in a car with nothing but a few clothes, tooth brushes, and an insane itch for an adventure. 

Our first stop. Salt Lake City. Mah Town. During the course of the summer, my independent spirit was absolutely itching to be anywhere but my house. Salt Lake was my place. I went there as much as I could. Just me. I explored that city, and I was about to explore it even more with some of my favorite people. 

First stop. The book store. This was one of those stores that was just oozing books. We even went into the creepy basement which houses possibly every copy of National Geographic, in creepy dank hallways and passages. I even found a random pile of some Vinyl Records. THEY HAD ALL OF CARMEN. NOT TO MENTION WAGNER'S TANNHAUSER. (You're welcome music nerds. Everyone else, there's nothing to see here. Carry on.) Here is a glimpse.

This little hole in the wall swallowed us for a solid 3 hours. When we finally regrouped, we looked at the time, and all just sat there for a minute. Then we just went, "No way......" It was fabulous! My purchases from the venture? "The Catcher in the Rhye", and "The Geek's guide to Dating." Quite the successful trip.

While we were in Salt Lake, we also went to H&M, being the hipsters that we are. We just drooled over everything for a good hour. I did get one dress of sorts, and it was just over all fun.

Of course it isn't a trip to Salt Lake without a trip to historic Temple Square. So, we walked around temple square, and went in the Joseph Smith Memorial building. 

Next we met up with my roommate's Dad who had secured a hotel in Park City for us. He gave us the room keys and everything we needed. 

So, we were on our way yet again. It soon became apparent that this was no Motel 6. It was literally at the top of the mountain in Park City. You know, where celebrities have their 20th summer get away. We got to the hotel, and walked in, and just started laughing! The hotel room. Okay, this is one hotel room. It had a fire place. Most people's houses don't even have a fire place.

Suddenly, we all felt very white trash. And to seal the deal, all we wanted was pizza. Now, how does one get cheap pizza, in park city, to a hotel at the top of a mountain. Order it and make someone else think about it. So that's exactly what we did. Except we were REALLY HUNGRY. So, 4 white, very skinny girls ordered 3 pizzas. 3 PIZZAS. WHAT? Yeah, we didn't finish them. But it was all quite delicious :) So, we all sat on our beds, watched the lego movie, and ate pizza. In Park City.

The color on our TV was off. One of my roommates really wanted to call the front desk about it, but we all just said, "NO! THEN THEY WILL SEE OUR WHITE TRASH AND KNOW WE ARE IMPOSTORS!" 

So, we just dealt with the sub par Television. 

The next day, we walked through the shops and outlets in Park City, and just chilled, and enjoyed the care freeness of the remainder of that weekend. It was just a wonderful weekend, and I didn't really want it to end. Okay, no one ever wants any weekend to end, but this was especially so. 

Now, let's fast forward a few weekends. 

Through a bunch of tests, and assignments, and we come to a crazy absolutely awesome weekend. 

There's a certain fella I have been talking to, hanging out with, going on dates with, etc. Great guy, really like him, the whole nine yards. Now, on this friday night, he had agreed to go with me to yet another required concert I had to go to. It was our senior cellist's senior recital. Now that was cool and fun, but only lasted about 30 minutes. Our Band was doing a Lord of the Rings concert later that night, and 2 of our friends had been thinking about going. 

I turned to him and said, "Well, we could go kidnap them and hit up the LOTR concert."

"I'm thinking this needs to happen." Was his reply. 

And with that we got up and went back to get these friends of ours. We walked right into Anna's apartment without any permission, sat down with her and her roommates at their table, and convinced her to go with us. Next, we got his roommate, and now we were ready. 

The Lord of the Rings concert was so much fun. Both of the guys were in band in high school, and it is so much fun to go to concerts with all of them, because they can talk about music like the way I can. It's one of my most favorite things :)  

After the concert, I decided we needed some Aggie Ice Cream, so we went to Smith's and got a pint. In the car ride home, I was blasting some amazing tunage. So amazing that we just couldn't stop. So, we drove around for a good 30 minutes and just blasted music and sang at the top of our lungs. It was so much fun!

Eventually we retreaded to my humble abode to partake of the Ice Cream I had bought. Then, we all decided to put on a movie. First up was "The Lego Movie." A fabulous choice indeed. And This wonderful guy held my hand during it :) So, The Lego Movie ended, and we put in Frozen. Eventually Frozen ended, and we put in Tangled. We all fell asleep during Tangled. Finally we all woke up around 5:00 in the morning. We all just sat up with sleepy faces, and deep voices and thought, "What. Are. We. Doing?"

At this point, my roommate who works ridiculous hours came home. She saw all of us on the couch, and on floors, and just said, "WHAT."

Now, what else would you do when you come home at 5:00 in the morning and everyone is still up? Go to the temple I say! So that is exactly what we did.

The cute Pawsee at the temple :) It was so much fun and I absolutely loved it!

We came back home at about 7 in the morning. After more than 25 hours without sleep. We all stood in the parking lot and just stared at the ground and everyone would take a turn saying, "We are crazy.... What are we doing?" 

So, we finally hugged it off, and went to bed. 

That night, was hockey.

The weekend fest continued, and ended with watching hilarious musicals and just even more great times. 

What a weekend it was. We all agreed it was some of the best of times, and that we more great times would follow. With much more sleep, naturally, but I don't think any of us regretted the amazing times we had :) 

I must add just one more adventure in this series of unforgettable times with these unforgettable people :)

Last night, I had a date with this exceptional guy. We went to kneaders, and enjoyed some beautiful pastries. Next, my roommate was working late, so a visit was in order. We walked around the store, and were just spazzes until she got off. 

Next, we went home and caught the tale end of a movie with our friends. 

By now, we had been graced with yet another layer of Logan snow. And what does this call for? A snowball fight. We all ran out into the cold night, bucking chunks of snow and ice at each other, and laughing all the way. 

There was even a snowman made right in front of my porch. 

So, like anyone else who is outside, and awake at midnight when it's snowing, we decided to walk up to Old Main, and have some winter fun.

We walked up and found that many other Aggies have the same idea.... at the same time of night as us. So, we watched the winter fun for a while, and even partook a little bit.

Well, we were cold, and hot chocolate was calling. So, it was back home for us. We brewed up some hot chocolate, piled on the whipped cream, and enjoyed a little winter confectionary joy. 

Then, we turned on Batman Begins. 

The night ended with some cuddling, and some fun laughs as we watched and critiqued yet another movie.

And finally, at 4 a.m. We called it quits a bit early, compared to our last late weekend ;) Overall, it's been so much fun. Every weekend. 

I love the friendships I have formed up here, and the people I'm surrounded by I would not trade for the world. They have made these amazing memories with me, and the time I've spent with them has been some of the most amazing ever. 

So here is a glimpse into that beautiful dawn called the college weekend.

And here is raising our glasses to the many more to come :) 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Mah Hipstah Sistah.

So, I have this insanely ridiculous friend. 

Her name is Anna. And she is Mah Hipstah Sistah.

You know, we meet a lot of people in life. But Anna was just one of those people who enhanced my embracement of myself. 

We were talking a few weeks ago, and realized that before we had officially met, we had the exact same thought as we awkwardly passed each other. That thought was,

"Hey, She's hipster. We should be friends." 

And that I believe was the start to a beautiful friendship :)

A very beautiful friendship indeed. 

Anna is one of those people I can just be myself with. Which is just beautiful. Perhaps because we are so similar, we just bring out more of each other in each other. 

What ever the case, it is always a party when Anna is involved.

Now, To continue, I must explain the hipster side of things. 

First, Hipster. 

Everyone hates the idea of Hipsters. Which is, well, a sad thing. I mean, Hater's gonna hate, but they just don't understand. Let me explain this thing we call hipster. 

Okay, being hipster is all about embracing iconic pop culture, kind of. And being ironic and classic. Kind of. You see, you can't fully be any of this, because that is traveling far too close to the line of mainstream for the comfort of any hipster. 

So, bottom line is that everything must be done in a new and original way of your own, or it isn't hipster. And everything must be posted on instagram with a filter and a funky saying written in Helvetica. 

There's your run down. 

It's just a ridiculous culture of newness and excitement born from the ashes of every iconic past thing ever, with a touch of irony.

So, for example, spending an afternoon like this.

And wearing something like this. 

Okay, now back to Anna. 

Anna has helped me embrace even more, my love of adventure, and just living in general. (As if I needed help with that.) But it is certainly more fun with a partner in crime of sorts.

One night, Anna and I just decided to attack some guys' apartment with silly string. 

It was a moment of pure soul. We were just sitting at her table, and I just said, "It would be so funny to just walk in with silly string and attack them." We both kind of laughed, and then it happened. We both just looked up at each other like this. 

At that point, we both just stood up, and proceeded to walmart and completed our dastardly deed.

Another instance, Anna and I were in Park City, and saw a very Hipster fellow walk by. I turned to see Anna's face, and knew that she was thinking the exact same thing as I was.

Now, onward. Anna spent 1 year in Sweden as a foreign exchange student. She shares my love of traveling and adventuring. We constantly speak of traveling all over the world and having wild, and crazy adventures. Isn't that the point of college? To be incredibly poor, but also be overfilling with opportunity, and to just dream about the crazy life you really want to live? 

But that's the thing, with Anna, many of the crazy things we propose feel like they could happen. Like, couch surfing all across Europe. 

I could see us doing this.

Like, waking up one morning, to see a text from Anna that says, 

"Tickets to Iceland are going for 300$ next week. So......" 

At that point, I would throw caution to the wind, pack my bags, and go on an adventure.

I feel like this is just how it would happen.

This is how life with Anna is, and how I always wanted my life to be. I am a spontaneous person who often craves adventure and a change of scenery. 

Anna has only enhanced this. I have not yet decided if this is a good or a bad thing. 

Thus far, I am pretty excited about just being a hipster, and dreaming about traveling this great big world. 

More adventures are certainly in store. 

But can I just express how wonderful it is to have Mah Hipstah Sistah in life? Well, it is. And that is all.